Friday, November 12, 2010

Professor Sachs Lecture

*Avigail Sachs has a doctorate in architectual history and before becoming a professor was a proffessional architect and interior designer.

Mies Van Der Rohe
Mies believes space is something you move through in order to experience. He wants to use art, science, and technology to create design in a manner he believes is acceptable. He was a "less is more" persona to his design work. Everything about his work is logical and explainable. He does not like clutter and believes spaces should only hold the necessities. He is best known for the Farnsworth House and Barcelona Pavilion. 

Robert Venturi
Roberts main idea when designing a space was to make people feel good. He believed in comfort was key to a functional design. He believed in warmer design in comparison to Mies work. He doesn't necessarily believe in there being a reason for design. He likes to blend older styles with new design. He likes to bring people back to their roots and a traditional type design. He is known for the Vanna Venturi House, also his mothers house. 

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